Saturday, 10 December 2011

Mikko Lagerstedt's Winter

I'm not much of a winter person. I tend to go into hibernation, don't fancy walking around and cuddle under blankets with lots of books and lots of snacks. In fact, I'm trying really hard not to dash to the kitchen right now and bake some chocolate chip cookies...because I will just eat them all.

I'm not a fan of the cold, the fact it gets dark before it's even 5pm or the slushy snow and treacherous ice. I can however appreciate how gorgeous the changing seasons can be. In fact, I love crunching in the autumn leaves and will sit for hours watching it snow... happy so long as you don't make me try to walk on it when it's turned all slippery. If you do I will provide you with a very good Bambi on ice impersonation.

I'm trying my best to get into the spirit. The Christmas tree is up, the presents are brought and wrapped (except for my boyfriends - I'd be grateful for your ideas) and I've invested in some cable knit cardigans and a new coat so that I can venture out into the cold now and again.

I came across Finnish photographer Mikko Lagerstedt's work today and it's reminded me that even though there are so many things I don't like about winter it is an incredibly beautiful season and as I slip around on the ice I promise to try to enjoy it because spring is only around the corner.


  1. Wow, those pictures are gorgeous (: I'm not really a winter girl either.. but I can appreciate the beauty of it when in a toasty-warm house! xox

  2. Thank's for your comment Laura, it really made me laugh! It's so hard being pale haha.

    I definitely know what you mean about winter though. There are so many things I love about it, like layering and the Christmas drinks they do in Starbucks haha...but I hate feeling cold and how dark it gets too!

    Sophie x x

  3. These photos are stunning! Like you, I am not a big fan of winter weather. I hate being cold and driving in the icy conditions. But seeing these photos makes me realize how beautiful the season truly is. :)

  4. A new follower here, thank you for sharing this picture. I have been trying to get into the holiday spirit myself.

  5. gorgeous photos! I so want some snow! :( But I just bought two pairs of high heels so maybe not! :P I love high heels but I must be 6ft2 (at least!) when I wear them!!! :)


  6. Lol I'm EXACTLY the same! I baked a load of cupcakes the other day with the itnention of freezing some. It didn't happen and me and by boyfriend literally scoffed the whole batch


  7. Oh, I am a winter person, unlike you... I love winter so much! It's the most beautiful season, and it's Christmas and New Years and time for new beginnings! And cupcakes, hot chocolate with marshmallows, Starbucks christmas drinks, pretty Christmas decorations, etc.
    I'll check the photographer out soon! Have a good week!

  8. beautiful pictures. I esp. love that last one! Such a cool shot!

  9. wow!!! amazing post!!! what's winter without snow?? let it snow (8)


  10. I love Winter...but I hate being caught in it! I much prefer being tucked indoors with a big mug of tea. You're right, the Mikko Lagerstedt photos are stunning, I want one!

  11. The photographs are gorgeous but I disagree with your opinion about the cold.

    Then again, I do burn extremely quickly...

  12. Beautiful images, the snow looks so magical. I like looking at the snow, but not so much when you have to go out in it! x

  13. Oddly I burn really easily too. It's a miracle I prefer summer. Winter looks really appealing on these photographs tho. So many good things about winter but as I don't drive constantly walking around and freezing gets to me after a while lol xx
