Monday, 2 August 2010

Catch up on your reading...

I'm dotted throughtout this months Area Guide and on their website too.  Sometimes my initials are at the end sometimes not...don't ask me why.  The important thing is that whether or not LB is tagged on the end people will be reading things that I have written.  It makes me all smiley and excited...and certain that I made the right choice doing an internship with Fused Magazine.  Working for a smaller company certainly pays off.  I've been writing actual articles rather than just cleaning the supply closet.

My articles are:
Inbindable Volume (page 4) - the first article in the mag :o)
Behind the Mask (page 12)
Six Summer Saturdays (page 14)
Shambala Festival (page 22)
Graduate Birmingham: Lorna Hirst (page 33)
Give it Some...Sourz (page 39)

I also compiled the big long list of What's on for Septmeber at the end. See...I've been working hard :o)  I do not expect you to read them all. I'm just showing off as it's so exciting to see my work as it will look in print, in something that people will actually read...with LB at the end makes it even better!

I also wrote Claire's Twi-Hard Beauty Looks on Fused Magazine well as having some of the Area articles published on there.  What am I doing now? Compiling the fashion pages for Fused's magazine September issue.  Birmingham is going to have some very stylish students.  Oh...and organising work with Style Birmingham to help at their Style Birmingham Live event hosted by George Lamb.  Busy busy...should probably stop blogging.


  1. Way to go!

    I checked out the site, but I couldn't find articles. Just videos.

    And I'm calling total BS on no-pics-of-gorgeous friend. You can't just do that to a guy. You should have said "dog-ugly-and-in-a-wheelchair-with-6-kids" and put up a picture from

    Oh well. Fair warning!


  2. THANK YOU!! :o) Hmmm...there should be some articles further down and you can click them to read the whole article. There are definitely some on ...the second post from 30 July has the online version of August's just have to click the image.

    She is petite, has a very cute, sleek brown bob, a great big smile and brown Bambi eyes. That's all you're getting :p
